I got into Bangkok at 4:30 am this morning after an exhausting 11 hour journey (it should have taken longer, but my bus driver was kind enough not to slow down ... not even when he was navigating sharp corners) ... to find all the guesthouses in Siam Square full. Had to wait hours to find even one single space. Got my freakin' cell phone stolen at the weekend market... spent all day at the police station, only to realise upon my return that my new travel insurance does not cover theft. Fuddgers.
I have completely and utterly lost all faith in the city of Bangkok. I can't believe I am saying this, but I am looking forward to going home after today's mess. Stupid, stupid Bangkok. If you guys want to regal me with all of Bangkok's redeeming factors, it's probably best to save your breathe.
Makes me wish I stayed an extra day in Paxse... When I prefer to stay in Paxse over Bangkok, you KNOW there is something wrong with this city.
PS - Oh yeah, I am staying at Wendy's House near the Bed and Breakfastm, Room 442.
PPS - Start emailing / posting cell phone numbers to me pronto, okay, kiddies?
Sounds like you need a holiday after your holiday.
Have a safe trip back today and get in touch when you have recovered a little.
Anonymous, at December 12, 2004 at 5:26 PM
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