In another town... not that you guys would know where I am even if I told ya. ;c)
I am currently in Mae Sariang at the moment and will be heading towards Mae Sot tomorrow morning. I have to say, despite today's semi-pleasant five-hour journey to Mae Sariang from Mae Hong Son, I am still not looking forward to spending six hours in a sawngthaew (for those not in the know, that's a pick up with two rows of benches on the truck bed).
However, based on words from other travellers I have met the past few days, the view is supposedly amazing. I guess I will find out firsthand early tomorrow morning. Dependent on when I get up and get out of town, I should be in Mae Sot before night fall.
I am currently staying in the Riverside Guest House, Mae Sariang. The details are as follows :
Riverside Guest House
Th Laeng Phanit
Tel : 0 5368 1188
120 baht (that's 3 dollars USD) for a mattress on the floor and a roof over my head. Such is the life of a cheapie backpacker.
Mae Sariang is a cool little town. I have seen a total of ten farangs since I have arrived (which is probably ten more than I needed to see). ;c) Still, this is probably one of the least touristy places I have been to in Thailand so far. Even in the internet cafe, I am surrounded by Thai boys playing Ragnarok Online or C/S.
Still, as I am telling Mike online at the moment, I am having a major food attack. I have been eating Thai food all month long and all I want this second is a freaking Big Mac with a side of Filet O' Fish.
Anyways, I am kinda excited about Mae Sot. As some of you guys know, I have been hoping to do some volunteer work with some of the refugee camps nearby Mae Sot. I have made some contacts in the area and hopes to arrange something for the next year. If it does not pan out, it's very likely I will be studying Mandarin intensively in Beijing for a semster. Basically the next few days will dictate what I will be doing for the next six months or so. So yeah, slightly apprehensive as well.
Anyways, with all that said, happy pre-Thanksgivings day. Whilst you all will be enjoying a fabulous turkey/chicken/duck dinner or all of the above (in Matt S.'s case), I will imagine my plate of pig intestine curry at the local stall to be a turkey curry instead.
A mattress on a floor ? Perhaps I shouldn't mention how a mate of mine from Singapore got his hotel room bumped up to the Presidential Suite at the Ritz Carlton. No perhaps I shouldn't be mentioning it, and so I won't.
PS : why are they still playing Ragnarok and old C/S ? Has no one told them that Everquest II and Half Life II have been released ?
Anonymous, at November 24, 2004 at 8:07 PM
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