Re: Pie
I'll briefly mention the two things that Angel brought up.
One of the books I brought was a financial book that my dad lent me, by this dude named Robert Kiyosaki. When I was reading it on an airplane, I looked over at Angel's newspaper and noticed that Kiyosaki happened to be giving a seminar in Bangkok the same time we'd be there. "Destiny," I figured, so we checked out the financial seminar. We had an enjoyable time, despite the fact that neither of us really learned anything that we didn't already know, and that I could barely move because of my stomach. There was a large presence from Thai network marketing people, who I found were similar to their American counterparts. Angel and I played a game of "spot the farang", which is like "Where's Waldo". Angel won because she found a black guy.
Okay, and I don't see why this is blog worthy, but I developed a huge rip in my pants when we were in Myanmar. You could only see it when I sat down, but there was a 5 inch tear in the crotch region (no jokes, please). I had to spend all day wearing those stupid ripped pants. I bought them in Hong Kong, so you can blame your own people, Angel!
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