Inle Lake
I have a Burmese massage appointment in ten minutes so I have to make this short. Mike and I are leaving Inle Lake tomorrow morning for Bagan. We will try to keep you guys posted once we get to our next destination, but if we don't post, it might be due to the fact we cannnot access internet over there.
We went on a boat ride around scenic Inle Lake today. We checked out some floating villages and the like. We also had an excellent traditional Shan dinner here at the guest house.
Massage time.
See ya!
Angel (and Mike)
make sure you see the sunset in bagan from the top of the pagodas :)
Anonymous, at November 8, 2004 at 10:02 AM
Massages, Good Food, Booat Trips ... hmmm if I wasn't so temperate in temprament I could consider being jealous.
Anonymous, at November 9, 2004 at 2:32 AM
Hey guys, great stuff!! I B Jealous! I'm in town until monday afternoon, then back to Oklahoma and then leaving for Iraq about the 22nd or so. Can't wait to see the pics....keep a low profile, due to terrorists shit, even in that area...I hear stuff in briefings and the bad guys are even there, so, or I'll kill ya.
Anonymous, at November 11, 2004 at 8:42 PM
Yeah Marcie, we did do that. It was definitely cool.
Michael Foley, at November 14, 2004 at 9:21 PM
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